The Ideal Temperature For Workplace Productivity

In any workplace, employees must perform for hours on end, so they need to be comfortable in order to perform well. An HVAC system that does not function properly makes it harder for employees to focus on work-related tasks. After … Continued

How to Save Money on a New Air Conditioner

Want a cool, new air conditioner to get you through another hot Florida summer but think you can’t afford one? Think again! Our team of trained air conditioning experts want to give you the best comfort all year long so, … Continued

The Dangers of Leaking Water From Your Air Vents

A clogged air conditioning condensate drain line or improperly installed ductwork can cause water to leak from your home’s air vents like condensation on your glass on a hot Florida day. While water is essential to life, it can also … Continued

Earth Day: How to Make Your AC Eco-Friendly

Earth Day is coming— April 22 to be exact. Are you worried that your air conditioner should be more eco-friendly in its noble cooling efforts? You’re probably right. Air conditioning accounts for more than 40 percent of the average home’s … Continued

The Risks of Leaking Air Ducts

Leaking air ducts are, unfortunately, common and it can be difficult to determine if you have this problem in your home. Difficult because most of the ductwork in a home runs inside the walls and in the attic, so you … Continued

5 Common Indoor Air Pollutants

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) from common indoor air pollutants can cause a number of health issues such as eye, skin, throat and nose irritation, respiratory issues, headaches, dizziness, fatigue and can also lead to bigger problems like heart, lung … Continued